Thomas Triggered Meme So We Meet Again Gif

Like a number of our OG Mash Crew members and a handful of our more than recent hires, Zach Tomlin is a beau local!

He grew upwardly in Cape May Court House, and he'south been in the area always since.

See one of our newest packaging operators, Zach!

With events coming back the last several months, it was hard non to talk about music and concerts!

Zach recently saw Tool in Philly a few weeks ago. "It's hard to get their tickets," he says. "I saw them again terminal Saturday in Newark, besides."

[Ed. note: We're pretty envious! Definitely beats our Saturday spent catching up on chores…]

"It was so weird having a whole year with no concerts," Zach laments.


"Ane band was pushed back iv times, so now I've waited two years to really get see them, but hopefully things are gonna piece of work out at present," he says with a shrug.

Zach's primarily a metallic and rock fan, merely he as well likes a lot of artists outside of those genres.

Some of his favorites include Blackness Sabbath, Tool, Ruddy Hot Chili Peppers, Opeth, Deftones, Pantera, and Type O Negative. He'due south also into shoegaze and more than indie artists.

[Ed. note: When we start heard it, we idea shoegaze was a band…turns out, information technology'southward a subgenre of indie and altrock!]

"I like Mac DeMarco; I've seen him a few times, it's a real fun show," he says. "I also like Rammstein, Knocked Loose, Death, Crowbar, Cocteau Twins, Kyuss, The Smiths, Slowdive, and Frank Zappa."

"I as well listen to some rap, likewise, like $uicideboy$, Ghostemane, and MF Doom," Zach says. "MF Doom had and so much music made already that they're still releasing music now. It'southward pretty cool."

"Next month I'm seeing Oliver Tree, which is a big jump in genres there," he says.

He tends to stick to concerts in the area, based on who's touring nearly here.

As a local, Zach has a pretty different perspective than near who visit or moved hither more than recently.

"When it'due south non summer, it tin can be very boring," Zach says with a laugh. "Trips outside of here are much more valuable when you live around hither for long enough, even if it's just to Philly."

This year, Zach's looking forward to visiting his aunt and uncle in Cardinal W with his sister, and going to come across the Red Hot Chili Peppers with his family.

Not only does he share music tastes with many of our Mash Coiffure members, merely he as well plays the guitar, and there's a number of our Brew Crew members who also play instruments!

"I play what I listen to. It varies, from Black Sabbath to Cocteau Twins. The other day, I was trying to learn how to play 'Whiskey in the Jar' by Thin Lizzy, and I used to play a lot of Atomic number 26 Maiden and System of a Down," he says.

Earlier he joined our team, Zach was selling insurance, which is not too dissimilar from our own HR Coordinator Cody Danks!


"It was not the best thing for me; I'g not an office person," Zach says. "The work would follow you dwelling, likewise. The employer is actually a good family friend, just the work just wasn't for me."

"Earlier that, when COVID striking, I got laid off and was doing DoorDash for a bit," he says. "Prior to COVID, I was actually in welding. I went to Cape May Tech for information technology."

Unfortunately, welding opportunities are limited down hither, and so Zach was driving upward towards Vineland for piece of work.

While Zach still enjoys welding, he knew that wasn't quite correct for him, either.

Non to mention welding is a bit more than unsafe: he one time crushed his finger on i of the machines!

"I was wearing a glove, too," he says. "I was scared to decease to take it off, but when I looked at my finger, it was flattened and white. I was convinced that would exist the day that I lost my finger."

"I went home early, and I was driving my dad's auto at the time, which I wasn't also familiar with," he says. "And I had to go out to dinner with my ex's family that night. Her whole family was at that place, and I'one thousand just sitting in that location with this big, haemorrhage bandage at the table."

[Ed. notation: Talk about a nightmare!]

Zach laughs. "It was very awkward, only information technology works now," he says, proudly displaying his paw.

"Fun fact, though—it did permanently change my fingerprint," he says. "I noticed when I had fingerprints done that you could still see remnants of the incident."

"I all the same weld at abode, though," he says. "Friends will come up to me like, hey, can you lot weld this for me? Normally car parts."

Zach has even welded something for united states at production already! He welded some handles to our grain mill, making it easier and safer to work with.

He was pretty familiar with our brews before joining the team, besides.

"I visited the Tasting Room a couple times in the summer," he says. "On my 21st birthday, I got Crushin' It. I'd also tried a mix at Superlative before besides."

Now that he has direct admission, Zach has institute a lot of new favorites, including Tan Limes, Snag & Drop, Key Lime Corrosion, Coastal Evacuation, Ties the Room Together, our Cape May Hard Seltzers, and final twelvemonth he enjoyed Mango Crushin' It on typhoon.


"Our Root Beer is actually adept, too," he says. "JP does a solid task with our sodas."

"I really enjoy it here so far. It beats the hell out of being in an role all day," Zach says with a smile.

"Anybody's really cool," he says. "We all accept the same positive mental attitude towards piece of work. Nosotros all like existence there and savour what we're doing. It's dainty having everyone on the aforementioned page and we're all working together equally a team."

"They're more than willing to help you out and reply questions. It's absurd to be at a place similar that," he says.

"At home, I like doing digital art and I play video games on my computer, but I'chiliad non too fond of my job being on the estimator," he says.

[Ed. notation: The confront nosotros made when nosotros realized that'due south basically what our job is…]

"I was and so lucky. I bought the parts for my new reckoner just earlier the crypto marketplace nail," he says. "It would be acme-spec for 2019, actually, but my GPU is really good. AMD gang."

[Ed. note: AMD gang represent!]

"I've been trying to get more into digital art, simply I'm more used to physical media like painting and drawing," he says. "Using the tablet and PC is more hard. You have to put things in layers."

"I took an old drawing once and put it on the estimator. I went through all these layers, but so I didn't know how to salve it properly, and the way I saved it, it fused all the layers together. It's extremely difficult to undo that."

"It was 4-six hours of work but downward the drain because I saved information technology the wrong manner. Lesson learned," he says, shaking his head.

"There'southward and then much more involved with digital art than physical media, so I have a lot more respect for digital artists now," he says.

"My fine art trends more towards American and Japanese traditional, and things yous might encounter in Nighttime Souls," he explains, showing u.s.a. some examples on his phone.

"I did one painting based on a meme from Reddit. A guy boiled a crab in Pepsi Max for 2 hours and so put it in a loaf of bread," he says. "I did a watercolor of it and gave information technology to my mom, because she wanted paintings for the kitchen. So now it's up in the kitchen."

"She has no idea what the Pepsi crab is," he says with a smile. "Every time I see it, it'southward like, I know what that is, but no one else does."


Fine art is essentially in Zach'south blood! His family has a big connexion with art. His dad went to school for art at Stockton and worked with realism fine art, and his sister also works with colored pencils.

"My mom's dad, my grandfather, was phenomenal with ink work," he says. "He did pen and ink lining the old fashioned way. It would accept him weeks to finish pieces. He'd exercise unlike types of fish, whales, and boats."

"It was absurd the amount of time he spent doing it," he says. "It'southward a very meticulous process."

"One of my ancestors was a famous artist, also. He was friends with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, and his most famous portrait is of George Washington. Charles Wilson Peale. They actually did an exhibit in Philly for him, with all of the portraits he'd washed. It was like an former family reunion matter."

"It happened because we ended up altruistic a letter. Someone found it in a box tucked away in an attic—it was a letter to his son I think," he says. "I had no idea what it says; it was completely illegible."

[Ed. annotation: We can't even imagine finding something that valuable in our attics!]

Zach initially went to Cape May Tech for natural sciences, because he loves nature, but he switched to welding for more practical job prospects. At present, he withal incorporates nature into his daily life through his hobbies.

"One thing I want to practice is if I travel somewhere, I want to try painting the area," he says. "A lot of my art is nature-based."

"I enjoy hiking, fishing, and camping, and I too accept a freshwater aquarium," he says. "I take one that's 50 gallons. All of the ones I have in at that place are Southeast Asian fish, like gold and ruby-red barbs, a loach, and a female person betta fish."

"Unremarkably, I endeavor to keep the fish from the same region. I do accept a pleco, and they're from South America, just I've had him forever, and he gets rid of the algae," Zach explains.

"I have two reptiles correct now, besides," he says. "Two leopard geckos. They're similar mini-cats."

"I had one reptile who was 12 years erstwhile," he says. "He passed away a month ago. I was devastated. It'southward crazy thinking well-nigh how I'd had him since grade schoolhouse, and he's met my entire family. He was older than my little cousins, and outlived pets and saw people come and go."

Zach too has two dogs, chickens, and ducks!


"The chickens are fun. I've always grown up with them. Nosotros live out in the woods, so it's easy for something to come and snag them, so nosotros have to exist careful and keep them up," he says.

"Nosotros had a raccoon go far the enclosure and impale one one time," he says. "Normally they don't go afterwards them, they only take the eggs, just I think because 1 was injured. She couldn't become abroad fast enough."

[Ed. note: who knew?!]

"Thankfully we haven't had an issue since," he says.

Some solar day, Zach plans to get other pets, too. His bucket list includes millipedes, different snakes, and lizards.

"I want to go upwardly to Stokes in High Signal this jump. I went up a few years ago in March. It snowed when we went up there. Role of the Appalachian trail is there, so we got to hike a mile or and so for information technology. Went to the tallest bespeak in New Jersey," he says. "They have this big tower construction upwards there."

"It was really windy at the time, but it was cute. Everything had just started thawing out, so there were creeks and streams and little ponds and lakes everywhere," he says. "Information technology was really cool, so I'thousand hoping this time I can go over there and really fish."
"Some places y'all tin hike to and visit take old mills or dilapidated structures to check out, besides," he says. "Or an sometime span. It might sound boring now, but when you see it in person, information technology'due south really cool."

"One time we found quondam munition plants in Millville or Atco. You lot could still see the foundation of the structure," he says. "This is all land property stuff, so you're allowed to walk around."

"I get kayaking, besides," he says. "I just got a roof rack for my car a couple years ago. I just have to get the kayak prepare. It's a fresh- and salt-water kayak, so I can take it out to the bay or a pond up the route to go fishing out of that."

"It's fun having a multifariousness of interests, because I can never say I don't have anything to do," he says with a express mirth. "That's part of growing up around here, too. You take to find something to do. On a rainy day, I'm either playing video games or painting. If it's a squeamish day, I'm at the beach or hiking."

The next fourth dimension you come across Zach around or at CMBC, brand sure to say hello! If you're a fellow rock/metal fan, inquire him almost some of his recent shows!


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